Kamala Harris has passed a big test | FT社评:哈里斯通过了一次重大考验 - manbetx20客户端下载
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Kamala Harris has passed a big test

The vice-president proved she is a strong candidate for the presidency, while Trump underlined his flaws
The debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was a crucial moment in the US presidential election — with potentially historic consequences.
卡玛拉•哈里斯(Kamala Harris)和唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)之间的辩论是美国总统选举中的一个关键时刻——可能产生具有历史意义的后果。
The stakes were particularly high for Harris. Although she has been vice-president for almost four years, Harris is still a relatively unknown quantity for many American voters. She only became the Democratic nominee in July, after Joe Biden belatedly decided not to seek a second term. The memory of Biden’s catastrophic performance in his own debate with Trump little over 10 weeks ago — which in effect forced him out of the race — underlined the potential risks for Harris of a weak performance, this late in the campaign.
对哈里斯来说,风险尤为高。虽然她已经担任副总统将近四年,但对许多美国选民来说,哈里斯仍然是一个相对不为人知的人物。她直到7月份乔•拜登(Joe Biden)姗姗来迟地决定不寻求连任后才成为民主党候选人。拜登在10多周前与特朗普的辩论中灾难性的表现——实际上迫使他退出竞选——突显了哈里斯在竞选后期表现不佳的潜在风险。
Harris had not won the nomination through the usual testing process of the primary elections. Nor has she given many interviews. Trump and the Republicans had claimed that her campaign team was shielding her from scrutiny because she is a lightweight, who would not be able to cope without a teleprompter. Some Democrats may have quietly feared that was true.
In the event, Harris gave a confident and fluent performance in the debate — demonstrating that she is robust under pressure, a fluent communicator and quick on her feet. These are all qualities that make her a much more credible candidate for the presidency.
The vice-president’s performance was not flawless. She initially appeared nervous and her first answer on the economy was evasive and clearly scripted. But as the debate wore on, Harris grew in confidence — and she gave strong answers on important questions such as abortion and the future of American democracy.
副总统的表现并非完美无瑕。她最初显得有些紧张,关于manbetx20客户端下载 问题的第一个回答避实就虚,显然是提前准备好的。但随着辩论的深入,哈里斯的自信心逐渐增强——她在堕胎和美国民主的未来等重要问题上给出了强有力的回答。
Above all, Harris was not flustered by the predictable aggression of her opponent. Instead, it was Trump who appeared increasingly rattled and unhinged.
The fact that the Republican candidate makes wild and false claims is not, unfortunately, new information. But even by his own debased standards, Trump had a bad night. He claimed that there are states in America where newborn children are “executed”, and that elsewhere, illegal migrants are eating pet cats and dogs.
Trump also twice refused to say that he wanted Ukraine to win its war against Russia, stating only that he wanted the war to end. The foreign leader he singled out for praise was Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán — an autocrat who has undermined the free press and the independence of the courts in his own country.
特朗普还两次拒绝表态他希望乌克兰在抗击俄罗斯的战争中获胜,只是表示希望战争结束。他特别称赞的外国领导人是匈牙利总理欧尔班•维克托(Viktor Orbán)——一个破坏了自己国家新闻自由和法院独立性的独裁者。
In its own way, Trump’s performance in Tuesday night’s debate was every bit as disastrous as the rambling effort that forced Biden to drop out of the race. But the army of Trump devotees have long held their hero to different standards from those of a normal politician. Few of them are likely to peel away from him now.
Harris will be hoping that her robust performance in the debate will win over some of the small, but crucial number of undecided voters in swing states who will ultimately decide the result of this election. In the next few days, the opinion polls, unreliable as they are, will give some indication of whether Harris (or even Trump) gets a post debate bounce.
Whatever the polls say, it is clear that this is likely to be a very close election that will remain a tight contest until the last votes are cast on November 5. Harris should capitalise on the confidence she and her team will have gained from the debate to wage a more aggressive and open campaign. She has shown that she is a strong impromptu performer. She needs to make herself better known to voters. And her team should press hard for a second debate with Trump — if he is willing to risk it.
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