A new era of personalised cancer treatments | 个性化癌症治疗的新时代 - manbetx20客户端下载
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A new era of personalised cancer treatments

As incidence rises, breakthroughs in oncology show the value of research funding
Good news is flowing from the world’s cancer labs. Researchers are reporting encouraging clinical trial results for a diversity of novel treatments, including individualised cancer vaccines, as well as new diagnostic techniques. Various forms of immunotherapy — adapting the patient’s immune system to destroy cancer cells — are proving remarkably successful at extending survival times of some people with refractory tumours.
manbetx app苹果 癌症实验室传来了好消息。研究人员报告了多种新型治疗方法的鼓舞人心的临床试验结果,包括个体化癌症疫苗和新的诊断技术。各种形式的免疫疗法——通过调整患者的免疫系统来摧毁癌细胞——在延长一些患有难治性肿瘤的患者的生存时间方面取得了显著的成功。
One reason for the rapid progress is that cancer research has been well funded by industry, governments and charities in comparison with other diseases. Almost 40 per cent of all pharmaceutical R&D investment is directed at clinical oncology — making it the leading field for precision medicine, with diagnostics and drugs tailored to the individual characteristics of patients.
This encouraging lesson about the productivity of research funding has not been lost on scientists working on different diseases, such as dementia and infections, where there is much unmet medical need but relatively less investment. They are right to point to cancer as an example of what can be achieved with more R&D resources.
Moving cancer research breakthroughs rapidly into regular clinical practice will require agile regulators and responsive healthcare providers. They must provide not only appropriate treatment facilities, but diagnostic services to detect tumours as early as possible when chances of a cure are highest.
The new wave of personalised treatments will be expensive when first introduced; immunotherapies often cost more than $100,000 per patient. Pharma companies will inevitably come under pressure to cut what their critics may portray as exorbitant pricing. While drug prices must be subject to some control, the industry’s return on investment should remain high enough to maintain its large, productive cancer research effort. Costs of new medical technologies do come down over time as they are applied more extensively.
Faster diagnosis and better treatments are needed more than ever, as the incidence of cancer continues to rise globally. Disturbingly, cases are growing most rapidly among younger people, for reasons that scientists are only just beginning to understand — and which require urgent investigation. Cancer rates in 25- to 49-year-olds increased by 24 per cent since 1995, according to the charity Cancer Research UK. Although cancer remains largely an affliction of old age, and under-50s still account for no more than 10 per cent of all patients, they represent a much larger proportion of years of healthy life lost to the disease.
随着manbetx app苹果 癌症发病率持续上升,更迫切地需要更快的诊断和更好的治疗。令人不安的是,癌症病例在年轻人中增长最快,原因科学家们才刚刚开始理解,并需要紧急调查。根据英国癌症研究基金会(Cancer Research UK)的数据,25至49岁人群的癌症发病率自1995年以来增加了24%。尽管癌症仍然主要是老年人的疾病,而50岁以下的患者仍然只占所有患者的不到10%,但他们却占据了因该疾病而失去的健康年份的很大比例。
Experts believe the rapid increase in obesity in recent decades is one factor driving the growth of tumours such as breast and colorectal cancer among the young. Data presented at the recent American Society of Clinical Oncology conference in Chicago suggests that taking the popular weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy would reduce the risk of developing many common tumours — though, as public health campaigners point out, it would be preferable to tackle obesity by changing people’s diets rather than by medication. Beyond obesity, scientists are looking for carcinogenic signals among the many environmental and lifestyle changes that have taken place over recent decades.
专家们认为近几十年来肥胖症的迅速增加是导致年轻人患上乳腺癌和结肠直肠癌等肿瘤增长的一个因素。在最近在芝加哥举行的美国临床肿瘤学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology)议上发布的数据表明,服用流行的减肥药物威戈维和威戈维可以降低患上许多常见肿瘤的风险,尽管公共卫生活动家指出,与其通过药物治疗,改变人们的饮食习惯来解决肥胖问题更为可取。除了肥胖问题,科学家们还在近几十年发生的许多环境和生活方式变化中寻找致癌信号。
As the disease becomes more prevalent, people are living for longer on average after diagnosis, though progress is currently slow. Human biology means that cancer will always be with us. But the new diagnostic tools and treatments emerging from the world’s labs promise to accelerate the extension of survival time — and make oncology a shining example of the value of biomedical research spending.
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