What’s wrong with research about ‘degrowth’? | 关于“去增长”的研究有什么问题? - manbetx20客户端下载
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What’s wrong with research about ‘degrowth’?

Some recent reviews highlight vague language and fuzzy policy
Supporters of so-called degrowth proclaim that without radical economic change — and falling GDP — ecological collapse is looming. Detractors, meanwhile, dismiss this as unwarranted techno-pessimism, infused with fuzzy language and untenable or vague policies. Some recent reviews assess this burgeoning area of research. What flaws do they find?
所谓“去增长”(degrowth)的支持者宣称,如果没有彻底的manbetx20客户端下载 变革和国内生产总值(GDP)下降,生态崩溃将会迫在眉睫。然而,反对者则将其视为毫无根据的技术悲观主义,充斥着模糊的语言和站不住脚或含糊不清的政策。最近的一些评论对这一新兴研究领域进行了评估。他们发现了哪些缺陷?
One by Ivan Savin of the Paris Higher School of Commerce and Jeroen van den Bergh of the Autonomous University of Barcelona hands ammunition to the critics, analysing 561 studies containing “degrowth” or “post-growth” in the title. They complain about a plethora of degrowth definitions, and provocatively claim that researchers are “colonising” distinct areas by using the term to package work on, say, recycling.
巴黎高等商学院的伊万•萨文和巴塞罗那自治大学(Autonomous University of Barcelona)的耶罗恩•范登贝尔赫的一项研究为批评者提供了弹药,他们分析了561项标题中包含“去增长”或“后增长”的研究。他们抱怨“去增长”的定义过多,并挑衅性地声称研究人员通过使用这个术语来包装回收等工作,正在“殖民”不同的领域。
They also grumble about weak methods, calculating that just over 5 per cent of papers they study perform quantitative data analysis, which they say is often “superficial and incomplete”. Another 4 per cent do qualitative data analysis, some of which is shaky. They offer examples, including an analysis of 14 interviews with Canadian environmental activists that is meant to shed light on “limited uptake of degrowth discourse in the English-speaking world”.
The reaction among degrowthers resembled their likely response to a coal-fired power plant in a nature reserve. One retort was that by limiting the study to research with degrowth in the title, the authors painted an unrepresentative picture of the field, one that was more likely to contain discussion and review than original empirical work. Another was that all fields contain at least some shoddy research.
Still, some of the substantive critiques are echoed in other reviews, even those by researchers friendlier towards the project. Others have also noted the inconsistency of definition: while some use the terms “degrowth” and “postgrowth” interchangeably, others distinguish degrowth as a more radical approach to scaling back production, and postgrowth as allowing for more incremental reform.
A review of modelling studies by Arthur Lauer, Iñigo Capellán-Pérez and Nathalie Wergles of the University of Valladolid argues that this ambiguity contributes to more substantive fuzziness, including over the desired path of GDP, whether degrowth is consistent with capitalism, and who exactly is supposed to be driving any change. And while there has been a surge in modelling efforts over the past few years, there are still gaps.
巴利亚多利德大学的阿瑟•劳尔(Arthur Lauer)、伊尼戈•卡佩兰•佩雷斯(Iñigo Capellán-Pérez)和纳塔莉•韦尔格尔斯(Nathalie Wergles)对建模研究的回顾认为,这种模糊性导致了更多实质性的模糊,包括对国内生产总值的预期路径、去增长是否与资本主义相一致,以及究竟由谁来推动任何变革。尽管过去几年中建模工作有所增加,但仍然存在一些空白。
Others have also levelled the charge that for a movement advocating for change, degrowth research is not engaged enough with practical policymaking. A review by researchers mostly at the University of Lüneberg of 475 studies made the “baffling” calculation that around two-thirds neither contained nor discussed any concrete policy proposals.
Where there are ideas, details are often lacking. Another review identified 530 degrowth policy proposals but noted that “most” lack precision (“ecological reparations” or “transitioning businesses to not-for-profit co-operatives”). Reducing work-time is popular, but few studies specify how to do it. And researchers only rarely explore the interactions between different (major) policy changes.
A final gap is research looking into ways of getting people on board with radical economic change — and of sustaining it once they start to feel the pinch of falling consumption. This seems pretty urgent given the political obstacles to pro-environmental policies even without a wholesale change to our economic institutions.
最后一个差距是研究如何让人们参与激进的manbetx20客户端下载 变革,以及在他们开始感受到消费下降的压力时如何维持这种变革。考虑到即使不全面改变我们的manbetx20客户端下载 制度,亲环境政策也会遇到政治障碍,这一点似乎非常紧迫。
Some of these gaps reflect the grand nature of the project. Another review describes it as “exiting economism, that is, decolonising the social imaginary and liberating public debate from prevalent discourses couched in economic terms, privileging growth”. (This doesn’t sound like a movement particularly fond of economics columnists . . . )
其中一些差距反映了该项目的宏伟性质。另一篇评论将其描述为“退出manbetx20客户端下载 主义,即对社会想象进行去殖民化,将公共辩论从以manbetx20客户端下载 术语为主导、以增长为优先的普遍话语中解放出来”。(这听起来不像是一个特别热衷于manbetx20客户端下载 学专栏作家的运动……)
Timothée Parrique of Lund University argues that among 115 definitions analysed there is a consistent idea, which is that degrowth is “a downscaling of production and consumption to reduce ecological footprints planned democratically in a way that is equitable while securing wellbeing”. Even within that, there is a lot to unpack.
隆德大学(Lund University)的Timothée Parrique认为,在分析的115个定义中,有一个一致的观点,即去增长是“通过民主方式计划公平地减少生产和消费以减少生态足迹,同时确保福祉”。即使在这个定义中,也有很多需要解读的地方。
Degrowth contains two big ideas: that growth is or may be incompatible with sustaining the planet; and that radical economic change is required as a result. Since one can disagree with either or both of these, it is hardly surprising that there is controversy over what exactly “counts” as falling within the field. And given the scale of the change degrowthers want, it isn’t surprising that empirical evidence on the journey or the destination is a little thin.
去增长”包含两大理念:增长与维持地球不相容,也可能不相容;因此,需要彻底的manbetx20客户端下载 变革。由于人们可能不同意这两种观点中的任何一种或两种,因此对于什么是属于该领域的确切“计数”存在争议也就不足为奇了。考虑到人们想要的改变的规模,关于旅程或目的地的经验证据有点薄弱也就不足为奇了。
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